Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We are home!

This will be a short post but we are home. Thank you University of Michigan! Thank you friends and family! Thank you Granny and Mamma for being there in Michigan and helping out with Mia and with the chores at the Ronald McDonald house. We couldn't have done it without you. We will use the next couple of days to settle back in at home, rest, eat decent food, and prepare for next week when life returns to 'normal'. Mason is doing well tonight and he has already positioned himself for a good nights sleep. He loves you all and he too says 'thank you'.

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear that all is well and that your home happy and safe! Good job Amy and Randy your awesome parents and Mia such a great big sister and to lil man Manson great job being strong! Bless you all and take care!
