2009 Pictures

Just thought I would add a few pictures of Mason through his first year.  Hope you enjoy.

This is Mason's first picture.  He was so pink who would have known that he had such a sick heart.

Mia was the first one to feed Mason and she was all business.
Daddy flew with Mason to University of Michigan.  This picture was before he first surgery.
Mommy drove with family to meet up with Daddy and Mason.  This was also taken prior to Mason's surgery.
We did not take a lot of pictures of Mason during his "not so good times" but this is one of the few.  This would have been at least a week after surgery after his chest had been closed.
This is one of the rooms that Mason occupied in the ICU.  He is resting comfortable in his pink bouncy seat.  One of our favorite nurses ended up buying him his own bouncy seat so he wouldn't have to sit in the pink one.  Thank you, Missy!
This is the Ronald McDonald House where we lived for 3 months.  Our room was the set of windows on the right.  It is my understanding that it was the biggest which came in handy for all of the presents that Mia received while we were there!
Bath time in Moderate Care.  Mason received a sponge bath every couple of days and Sissy loved to help.
This is Mason right before his heart cath in October.  We had thought this was his pre-op cath but Mason was not ready yet for his second surgery.  He was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension in his left lung.  The doctors ballooned his shunt and his narrowing aorta and started him on a new medication.  Looking back on this picture, he looks so blue but we couldn't see it at the time.  The doctors knew that there was something going on prior to the cath based on his echo and his coloring.  We were clueless.
Back at home, Mason continued to be a cute, happy little baby.  He still is the happiest baby that I have ever seen.
Sister and Brother - doesn't get much better than that!
Mamma, Randy, Pappa and Mason at Thanksgiving.