Thursday, July 21, 2011

Post-op Blues

We finally made it back to see Mason. Even though this is the 3rd time we have seen him like this it never gets easier seeing him in this state. Overall he is doing okay, or so they try to convince us. His blood pressure is a little low and his pulse a little high right now. Hopefully those will normalize overnight. They are completely taking him off his Viagra and that has dad the most nervous. He was on such a large dose that we hope going cold turkey doesn't cause any issues but they are the experts. He will also be on the vent overnight. Fortunately Mason has no idea what is going on. Here's to a good night and an even better tomorrow.

We already miss Kansas.


  1. Keeping little Mason and your family in my prayers. I hope he gets good rest tonight and tomorrow and makes great strides in healing.

  2. Praying for Mason and your family. Good to hear everything went well. Thanks for keeping us informed!
    Courtney Mayfield (Miss Courtney)

  3. Thinking of you guys. So sorry you all have to go through this. We will say some extra prayers that Mason continues to heal. The good news is the surgery is over and you are on the road to recovery. Each day you are one day closer to going back to Kansas! Take care! The Delperdangs
