Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pre-Christmas Update

Lots has been happening since my last post. I'll start with the ER visit. I bet you are thinking that it is Mason. Not this time! Friday night, Mia snuggled up next to me on the sofa and I noticed that she was a little warm. She had said a couple of times that her throat hurt but nothing major. Boy was I wrong. Her temperature was 101.5 and her throat looked horrible. So, Mia and I went to the ER to get treated for what I had correctly assumed was strep throat while Daddy and Mason hung out at home. Saturday and Sunday we attempted to keep the kids apart. Time will only tell if it worked. After two days of antibiotics, they were allowed to play again just in time for Mommy to get some pictures of the two of them for our Christmas cards. Yes, I am running a little behind! Here is one that I snap where they actually look like they are having fun. We finally took Mason in to get his lab work done that the cardiologist had requested and she called on Friday to tell us she had some changes that she wanted to make. Basically, Mason's potassium and chloride levels were a little low so she decided to change his diuretics from three times a day to twice a day. This was a good change! So, we are watching that he doesn't start to retain fluid and get puffy. Please send good thoughts and prayers that he make this transition without any bumps.

Mason is constantly a source of entertainment in our house. I think he gets this from his sister! She has definitely taught him how to be dramatic. He frequently "hurts" his hand while playing and whimpers until you kiss it. Mason has also perfected his fake cry. I think he has Grandma fooled! He is still not walking but is so very close. He has taken a few steps on his own but is not very confident yet. It is only a matter of time. For those of you who have seen us chase after Mason with his feeding pump bag can understand why we both have mixed feelings about the day he takes off running. It is hard enough to keep up with him when he is crawling. We are in for some trouble!

Lastly, I wanted to share some pictures from this weekend. Mason loves to play under the kitchen table. So, we drag the feeding pump bag and put it under there with him. Not sure what the fascination is but he seems to love to walk from chair to chair under there. At about nap time on Saturday, he crawled under the table and laid down. He continued to play with the refrigerator toy constantly pushing the button to hear the song. After a while, I realized that he would delay pushing the button until it "mooed" at him. He was going to sleep but the toy kept waking him up! So, I turned it off and Mason took a quick nap under the kitchen table!

I hope all of you have a safe and happy holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to all of you! We think about all of you often. What a great picture of the kids! You have a very beautiful family!
