Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Back in Wichita

Our trip is done! Mason decided to wake us all up early on Tuesday so we hit the road at 8:30 and arrived in Wichita around 5:30. The second day of driving is always the hardest. Both kids were done being in their carseats and, to top it off, the dvd player stopped working. We made a quick stop at a Wal-mart before arriving in Kansas City and after purchasing a new charger for it (I would have bought a brand new dvd player if I had to), we were on the road again with a quiet back seat! It is amazing how a little screen can provide so much enjoyment. Mason took a little nap shortly after we started the day and did not sleep the rest of the way. He was a very grumpy little man by the time we got to Emporia. The last hour was rough for him and his parents. Mia, on the other hand, decided to take a nap during this time and was able to sleep through Mason's fussiness. Why is it when you are a kid, you can sleep any where and in any position? Her head was bobbing so much I was afraid that she would get whiplash!

Randy had to go back to work today. So, it was just Mommy and the kids. Mason is trying to figure out how to move about with this new tube. He has spent most of his time in the past "army" crawling around the house. Unfortunately, he has quickly figured out that this does not feel good to lay on his stomach. It is sad to see his just sit there when he was so mobile before the surgery. He just sits on his bottom and rocks and whines. He has made a few attempts at crawling. I think this new tube is going to force him to really crawl. My prediction is that he will be officially crawling all over the house in a week.

Mamma and Pappa came for a visit on Wednesday. Mason was so excited to see his Mamma. The visit was good and Mia even decided to go spend the night with them in Newton. Thursday, Mamma is coming back to start learning how to care for Mason's new feeding tube (along with Mommy). We are still trying to figure out the best way to secure Mason's tube to make sure that it heals properly and, most importantly, does not come out! We have a followup appointment with the Wichita surgeon on Monday and I also placed a quick call to the pediatrician's office and the feeding specialist. We should be back on track next week.

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