Mason has reached a few milestones over the last couple of weeks!
We went to see Mason's pediatrician for the first time since the placement of his G/J-Tube and, drum roll please, Mason weighed in at 20 lbs 2 oz which puts him in the 2.35 percentile for his age! He is still a little guy but he has pretty much put on one and a half pounds since his surgery. Go, Mason!
He is officially crawling and getting faster and faster every day. You really have to stay on top of him so that he doesn't get to the end of his tube.
TalkingMason has learned so many new words these days. The most recent and impressive is the name of our dog, Rozwell. Rozwell has been staying with Grandma and Grandpa since Mason's birth and has come to visit a couple of times. Rozwell is here with us this weekend and Mason instantly repeated Roz's name when prompted and whenever he sees her.
Playing Games
We have a number of games that we play with Mason ranging from your typical Peek-a-boo to homemade games such as Show me. Mason can now show us where his hair, toes, mouth, "chunky monkeys" (aka chubby thighes), and tongue are. And boy does that kid have a tongue! He gets it from his sister. You will understand as you scroll down to see the pictures. Mason has also created his own game of "Look at me in Momma's sunglasses." He loves my sunglasses and takes them off my head whenever he has the chance. He has recently started putting them on and if you are not paying attention, he will call your name. I was reading the paper and hear "Momma". I look down to find him with my sunglasses on and the biggest grin! Loved it!
Mason's playing the Show Me game.
And this is where Mason gets his long tongue!